“Timing Is Everything!”

Have you ever considered the thought of timing? What comes to mind when you think of timing? For me, timing denotes when something happens, whether by choice or not. “Timing Is Everything!” However, have you ever thought about timing as a way of God doing something in our lives? No one likes trials and tribulations. I certainly do not, but I also know that God times everything perfectly in our lives. Let’s take it to relationships. For instance, one might feel their season of courtship, marriage, or having a family is fleeting or gone altogether, but not so with God. God’s timing does not reflect or cater to our definition of time.

Hence, we can pray, but we cannot hurry God and thank God that we can’t. Why? Because we don’t know what lies ahead for us. Additionally, we may need more preparation so that when God does give us our desire/s, we are truly ready. “Timing Is Everything!” and we must not forget that. Waiting on things we want or desire takes patience, and time often rules patience. A little patience may cause us grief later on, whereas long patience can bring some things to our attention that we can easily overlook.

Lastly, let’s not forget that a relationship with God will make other relationships more fruitful. God has not failed you, dear sisters. Keep holding on, praying, fasting, and putting discouragement aside because “Timing Is Everything!” And in due season, your time will come! Also, don’t forget to continue to pray for the ones I call the “Sensational Seven” that God’s righteous timing will render them their hearts’ desires. For he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be? Ecclesiastes 8:7. I’ll return next week with a new post, “Humility!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

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