“Amazing Grace!”

God is so faithful! Do you agree? Well, I have known this for a long time, but each day I live, I genuinely see the faithfulness of God and His “Amazing Grace!” Recently, I have encountered some challenges that I have had to face, but God’s grace is sufficient! Without a doubt, we serve a mighty God. Dear sisters and brothers who read this post, know that God is everything we need. Hence, if you need healing, restoration, deliverance, hope, peace, joy, or whatever God will provide.

For this post, I am writing to express how I know I am where I am today because of our God’s “Amazing Grace!” Indeed, there is no better relationship than the one with our heavenly Father. As trials come my way, they boost my faith instead of weakening it. Can you understand that? Hopefully, you can. God is a miracle worker. Know that trials, tribulations, and afflictions will occasionally pop up in our lives, but have no fear because the Lord is near.

As I conclude, if you receive nothing else from this post, receive this nothing is too complicated for God. So, thankful for His “Amazing Grace!” Furthermore, I am so grateful because, on April 30, it will be my fifth year as this blog’s author. Wow! Time truly moves. After five years of starting this blog, I never thought I would still be writing about relationships! Thank you, dear readers, for your support over the years. Genuinely, I cherish your many comments and words of encouragement. Please know that I love and appreciate each of you.

Several guest writers will bless us with a word from the Lord in a few weeks. I know you will receive them with love and enjoy their posts. Hearing what others contribute from time to time on this blog is a blessing. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Revelation 22:21. I’ll return next week with a new post, “Uncommon Favor!-I Got It!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

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