“Coming Together……Apart!”

This week’s post was supposed to be “When God Throws the Towel Back!” As God gives me topics for each post, I write them and schedule them for future releases. Currently, I have posts written to almost the end of April, but for the first time, I am going to push them back. God gave me a message that needs to come forth now, so please excuse the interruption. God willing, the post scheduled for today will release next Tuesday. Daily we are given updates concerning COVID-19, and usually, at the end of each broadcast, we are reminded that we are in this together. Fighting together, coping together, but yet we must maintain social distance to lessen the further spread of the Coronavirus. So during this time, how do we come together and remain apart? That is a part of the discussion for today.

We are encouraged not to visit one another or gather in large groups, such as in church, or at funerals or other social events. For Christians, not being physically in weekly services is a big adjustment. We relish our time gathering with the saints in our places of worship. We enjoy our time fellowshipping with our natural family members and friends. So, how do we come together when we have to be apart to help in this crisis? The second part of this discussion is that family members are spending more time with each other because parents are working at home, and children are home due to school closures. So we have two scenarios. One, we are physically distanced from others, and the second we are all home together for twenty-four hours.

I will talk first briefly about the latter situation. Some families and marriages, in particular, are bearable and sustainable only because the individuals have space away from each other. Children are in school for six or more hours; parents are working and keeping different hours. Spouses have fewer opportunities and hours to be disagreeable with each other because their work schedules keep them separated for hours. So now everyone is home how do you make it work? First, take this unfortunate time and make it positive. Everyone being home is an excellent time for families to draw closer together. You can start the day with a family prayer before branching off to personal work and homeschooling. Savor this time together. Each day brings so much uncertainty that we need to truly love one another and appreciate each day that God allows us to wake up healthy and well.

People who have contracted COVID-19 who were generally somewhat healthy had no idea that their days on earth might end so quickly. Wow! After the daily routine of work and school, spend some time laughing together and having fun family times along with times to honor God through bible readings/studies and evening prayer. Have family meetings to discuss family issues and resolve some problems that you didn’t have time to work on previously because of tight schedules. Parents take time to sit and listen to your children. The crisis is difficult for them too. Use the time wisely and make it a blessing instead of a burden. My granddaughter, who enjoys going to the Georgia Aquarium and Atlanta Botanical Garden, said to me, “Grandma, the virus is messing up everything!”It’s true. For the last several years, I have enjoyed so much attending the women’s retreat sponsored by Living Worship International Ministries with one of my dear sisters. It would have happened next week-Canceled! I know each of you can name a canceled event that you looked forward to attending.

Now briefly, how do we come together and remain apart? Reach out to others via telephone, email or text to see how they are doing. Offer any help you can give through encouragement, prayer, and if someone needs something, you can leave it at their door. Tell family and friends often that you love them. Maybe you can’t physically touch them, but your words or deeds can. If someone lives alone, check on them; they will appreciate you. Feelings of loneliness during this time can be higher due to social distancing, but also manageable when others show they care. I live alone. I don’t have a spouse or a significant other, but I have children and natural and spiritual family members who reach out to me daily as I do the same to others. Additionally, homeschooling my granddaughter is rewarding.

Remember, also the church is in you, and the physical building is only a meeting place. Don’t allow this time to doubt God and His love for you. He yet cares for you. It is a severe and uncertain time that we are living in, but we will make it through. Don’t grant the devil time to speak to you and discourage you. The devil will use this time to cause marriages and relationships to break up. He will attack your mind with excessive fear and worry. Don’t be one of his statistics. Come together in ways that you didn’t have time to in the past. Love each other, encourage one another, and when you feel so lonely by the distance of being away from others, thank God for keeping you safe and protected. I would love for you, dear readers, to please share with us how you are coping with social distance from others, twenty-four hours with each other, the cancellation of various outings, and planned activities. Also, those of you in the medical field know that we are praying for your safety and well being. We may not be able to give you hugs presently, but we appreciate the work and sacrifice you make daily, risking your own life to save others. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “When God Throws the Towel Back!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Karen Woodson

    God is so amazing!!!! As scary as this virus can be I see it also as a blessing. For a while God has been prompting me to literally rest in Him. But of course I used work and other things as an excuse as to why I couldn’t. I made a wise decision to take off from work because in the past some coworkers would come to work sick not regarding the health of others. I was supposed to return on yesterday but was led to take more time after finding out that two workers came to work with flu-like symptoms and were sent home. The blessing in my being home is that I can rest in reading God’s Word, being still to hear from God and also get physical rest. I have communicated with both my siblings – something that hasn’t happen often in the past and gives me time to work on building my faith. Daily text/calls with my children and church family, facebook messaging with friends/family members, and scheduled conference calls with The First Family (Bishop/First Lady) helps to keep my Love Level up. And of course the Beautiful and Inspiring Blogs are an added Blessing!!! Thank You SO much for the Love, Spiritual Support and Encouragement!!!

    1. Sis. Jackie

      God knows when we need to put a halt to everything else and spend more time with Him. He also allows us to spend time with others in various ways. Out of destruction comes victory if we abide in Him and His word. Be blessed my sister, stay encouraged, and continue to grow in your faith! And thank you for always encouraging me!

  2. Alice Jeter-Mays

    Thank you for this insightful post, showing how we can come together even while apart. Fortunately for me, I have been home bound with my spouse since June of last year due to his illness, but we have found ways to be separate while together. We each enjoy quiet time alone, meditating on the Word, handling business affairs (Financial and other) and also for me I enjoy doing crafts. Since I don’t have face time, I use Zoom to interact with my Mary Kay unit and others. I know it is hard for a lot, I do miss going out window shopping or just being out but I’m coping. I talk with my family via Facebook and occasionally I get to see my youngest grandson. God is with us and if we continue to look to Him, have faith and know that this too shall pass, we will make it. As Evangelist Jackie has said, use this time wisely getting closer to your family if you are home bound with them and also use this time to get closer to God. Stay safe and be blessed.

  3. Sis. Jackie

    Yes, we all miss going out, but as you have so clearly stated, we can enjoy being together and have separate times to yet meet our needs. This crisis will pass and even more quickly if we look to the hills from whence cometh our help—all our help cometh from the Lord. Be blessed, my sister, and thank you for the encouragement always!

  4. Monique

    Great post! Social distancing can be very hard on some people – especially those who are lonely. But we will get through this together. I have been speaking to family and friends day. Also, as a nurse I have been still called into work and may also be in direct care of patients with and without COVID. Keep me and my colleagues in your prayers! We will get through this and God will get ALL the glory!

  5. Sis. Jackie

    Yes, God will get the glory! Praying for you and all healthcare workers to be protected under the blood of Jesus! Thank you for sharing and God’s blessings upon you.

  6. Brenda

    Well stated Jackie; you have shared many wonderful ideas on how to make this time work for us;
    Recently, I have shared with several friends about the Peace that I am experiencing at this time. The peace that surpasses my understanding; I am not just an intercessors and a teacher of the word; I am always finding ways to practice what I preach. (Feeding the homeless, visiting the sick and shut-in, sharing the word with senior citizens) sponsoring conferences etc.
    With that said, I am ecstatic about this time of reflecting,
    spending more time with the Father and knee deep in doing some purging and packing within my home; things that I have put off for years.
    I continue to pray for those affected by the virus and all the many first responders; I have ask God to give me ideas on ways to help those that are working tirelessly to save lives.
    Blessing to you Jackie and each one that commented on your blog. I’ve been enlightened by all.

    1. Sis. Jackie

      There is nothing like the peace of God. Yes, it surpasses all of our understanding. Day to day, you always find time to help someone in need or to bless others. Now it is your time to spend some quiet time with the Lord and to do those personal things that you always put aside so you can be available to others. Even now, you look for ways to help those who are persevering to save lives. Bless you, my dear sister and God’s grace always be with you.

  7. Audrey

    Thank you for sharing Sis. As always, I receive enlightenment and encouragement from you. For me, I’ve been taking the time to check in with family and friends that I know personally that are sick, disabled, elderly, or live alone, for as I do this, it lets them know that I am thinking of them and it also encourages me, for we ALL need encouragement sometimes – and also just calling them to have a talk to hear their voices, for I truly thank God for my friends and family. And I truly don’t take them for granted, for I know that there are those that do not have anyone. I’m just in an attitude of gratitude, a “Thank You Lord” mode. Thanking Him, that for me, it is as well as it is, because it could always be worse. Also I plan to do some household purging, but, LOL, I haven’t rushed into that yet, don’t want to have too much “fun” too soon, LOL. But for me, getting through these un-precedented days thus far, I’m just trying to look for the good up-lifting things, things that make me smile or laugh sometimes, because for me, that is how I have learned to get through trying situations, since I learned that Light moves out darkness. Just praying that God keeps my heart light, so that I can help lift someone else up, for I know it’s not me that’s keeping me from being down, for we all are human too, “But God!”. So true, “iron does sharpen iron”.
    Thank you again for this enlightening encouraging post. Be blessed and Stay safe. Thank God for The Keeper and Comforter!

  8. Sis. Jackie

    Two key points-We all need an attitude of gratitude, and God’s light brightens up all the darkness that is present in this world. Thank you for your continual support and ever-flowing encouragement. God bless and keep you safe in His arms!

  9. Sandy

    Sis Jackie,
    A right on time commentary. Your uplifting, comforting, and inspirational words of wisdom will provide me with “the will” to embrace present challenges as I never have and reestablish my relationship with God as I undoubtably should!
    Praise God To The Highest.

  10. Sis. Jackie

    What beautiful words! This is the time for all of us to draw closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. God’s blessings upon you and safety in His arms!

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