“The Wheat and the Tares!”

Recently I was in a conversation with one of my dear sisters, and in the discussion, she spoke about the parable of the wheat and tares. Well, that conversation prompted me to write this post- “The Wheat and the Tares!” So, what do wheat and tares have to do with relationships? More than you can probably imagine. As I thought about the parable’s meaning, which you can read about in Matthews 13:24-30, I could see a connection.

Let me begin by telling you about the wheat and the tares. I looked at several pictures of wheat and tares, and they look very similar to one another. Reading about them, I note that it takes an eye with experience to discern between them. They are the same color, grow in the same way, and have the same seeds. The difference is that one is unfruitful, while the other one is an important crop. We all consume foods made of wheat unless we have an allergy.

Consequently, with these two growing side by side, an untrained eye, such as mine, would not know the difference and could be easily fooled. In the scriptures, the householder would not allow the servants to pull out the tares from among the wheat when they appeared. Instead, he told them to let them remain for fear they would also root up the wheat. The wheat and tare are allowed to grow together until the harvest. At harvest, the tares are bound in bundles and burned. The wheat is gathered and placed in the barn.

I know I took the scenic route to get to this post’s gist, but background information helps present a more explicit story. Now I apply this to relationships. When we desire to be in a relationship, we may meet different people before we meet the one we believe we want a connection. This journey of life can be like a vast field. We are living among the righteous and unrighteous. We all work together, shop together, go out to eat together in the same places, and even worship together. Nowadays, it’s hard going by looks to tell who is righteous and who is not moral. We can think someone is great for us and the closest thing to perfection, but someone can not easily see irregularities nor underlying bits of deceitfulness. The wheat and the tares sprout up in relationships!

My sisters, we need a spiritual eye to see beyond the outer appearance of someone. We need to rely on God instead of what our mind or heart is saying. Rationality is essential, so the tares don’t win over the wheat. In essence, ladies, we need to slow down and let God choose for us. What we may think is alright, and we can’t live without maybe is a tare in the sight of God. In due season God will make sure the harvest is right and acceptable for the accepting. You may notice I didn’t say the picking. We may pick the wrong one (a tare) instead of the right one (wheat), so accept what God has for you. He knows the wheat and the tares!

As I conclude, I know some of you have been waiting a long, long time for your Boaz, and waiting is not easy. It is even more complicated with the isolation from COVID-19. No one wants to be alone, but remember the tares are right out there with the wheat. They are physically present; on social media, and can even be among the worshippers. Every one that cries Lord, Lord is not one of God’s chosen people. So we have to beware. Watch out for the tares!

Allow God to be the separator, and He will give you, me, and anyone who desires a mate the one we need. Don’t get weary in waiting. I speak these words to me first and then to you, dear sisters! Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. Matthew 13:30. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “A Woman’s View of Relationships!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Audrey

    So true, …when it comes to relationships we don’t often think first about the spirit of the person to determine whether it is good or evil, …for most only focus on the outward attributes of attraction. This made me think about what a lot of people are saying these days about trying to read the eyes of people wearing mask, since we can’t see their full facial expressions. But me, I just want to be able to discern their spirit, …for the eyes, like the heart, can deceive.
    This was a well written post Sis, very definitive. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Sis. Jackie

    Thank you for the encouragement, and yes, today, we only get to see a person’s eyes, which may tell a “short” story. We need the “whole” story about individuals we want to know personally. I appreciate you always for sharing your thoughts on a topic. May God bless and enrich your life more and more!

  3. Brenda

    Excellent, excellent, excellent; The only thing that I will add is AMEN.

  4. Sis. Jackie

    Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement. Bless you, my sister, and may the grace and blessings of God multiply in your life!

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