The next three posts will incorporate this season of sharing, caring, and forgiving within relationships as we approach the holiday season of Thanksgiving. The first area we will focus on is “sharing in a relationship.” Most of us learned how to share and the value of sharing when we were young. When my children were toddlers, I instilled in them the concept of sharing. They had to share their toys and also their snack foods at times like cookies, etc. Until we teach children to share, they want to keep everything for themselves. Consequently, if we don’t teach the principles of sharing early on, selfish children become selfish adults. “Thanksgiving- A Season to Share!”
Primarily, sharing is essential and beneficial in all types of relationships. Work-related relationship sharing can assist with decision-making and creating shared goals. Within families sharing responsibilities can lighten the load among family members and develop more free time to do fun, family activities. On the other hand, the pandemic has changed everyday living and may not offer opportunities for neighbors to get to know each other and share some friendly activities. When I lived in New Jersey, the winter season often generated loads of snow. I can recall neighbors helping each other to shovel their driveway. “Thanksgiving-A Season to Share!”
Similarly, sharing in personal relationships can bring about joy, trust and create memorable moments. Do you have to share all of your husband or significant other’s interest? No. But, allowing them to share what’s important to them can bring about feelings of being valued. Sharing chores, responsibilities, and ideas, to name a few, can go a long way in contributing to healthy and strong relationships. When we learn not always to put our interests and wants first, we can receive more in the relationship. “Thanksgiving-A Season to Share!”
Therefore, what ways do you share in your relationship with others, whether personal, family, work-related, or any relationship? What benefits do you receive? If you are a person who generally does not share a lot, why is that? What do you need others to know about you in terms of sharing? Additionally, some individuals do not understand the importance of sharing, do you? I would love for you to share responses to these questions. “Thanksgiving-A Season to Share!”
As I conclude, we are approaching this beautiful season that exemplifies sharing; there is much to gain when we think of others first and share whatever God-given talents or resources we have. “Thanksgiving-A Season to Share!” He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. Luke 3:11. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “Thanksgiving-A Season to Care!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie