If you have an older sibling, you probably experienced receiving hand me down clothes. I was the oldest and only girl, so I escaped that. But, for those of you who didn’t how did that make you feel? I bet you longed to have something brand new that you would be the first to wear. Anything wrong with hand me downs? Absolutely no! But, now let’s apply this to our life. Being broken down emotionally, sometimes cause individuals to act broke. We pity our self and never do anything for us. Does that make you feel any better? No. Most likely, you feel worse! Heartache doesn’t lift one’s spirit. It only serves to keep your mood low. So what do you do about it? Keep lamenting over your situation, or do you do something about it?
I am choosing not to live a second-hand life. All my life, I have done for others. I am a natural giver. I love to help and encourage other people, but I also believe in me having a joyful life. I think that at some point in your life, one has to do things for one’s self. Don’t let past or present hurts keep you from having joy in your life. I didn’t say a happy life because happiness can quickly flee when situations don’t go well, but the JOY of the Lord is our strength, and He will give us a joyful life and a peace that surpasses all understanding, including our own!
You may say I don’t have much money to do anything, but some things don’t cost a lot of money. During this time of year, when the weather is beautiful, get out of the house. I enjoy just sitting on my enclosed porch, reading, or chatting with friends. Sometimes I go to a nearby mall and sit there and chat with others who are sitting nearby. Other times I drive to Kennesaw Mountain and enjoy the beauty and peace of it.Having a church family is vital. I have a great church family. You can gain support and have great fellowship if you have one. I love to travel and have taken trips by myself and had a great time. By the time I am ready to go back home, I have met and enjoyed the company of other travelers. Friendships have formed. I enjoy “me” time doing the things I enjoy! Not dependent on someone else for my good times.
One day I was yearning to have some red snapper. I could have gone to a market where they are not so expensive, but I didn’t feel like traveling the distance, so I went to a closer market where they were more expensive. I chose two nice big snappers. The cost was around forty-three dollars for the two of them. I told the salesperson, “I will take them” when he asked if I still wanted them. I said to myself, I have worked all my life, do for others, and I am going to have what I want — not living a second- hand life on that day! You may say that is extreme, but I know they tasted so good!
My point is, don’t let life’s heartaches keep you from enjoying some of the things that you love. Everything doesn’t have to be a hand me down. Live life not foolishly, but joyfully and do something first hand for your self. I am learning to do that. I have a brother who says, “If you don’t go first- class, your heirs will!” Don’t let life steal your joy. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. St. John 10:10. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “Reset your Life!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie
Yes! I completely agree. Just came from a first hand two week relaxing vacation of just enjoying my parents! To God be the Glory! Awesome post!
Yes, to God be the Glory for the things He allows us to do! God bless you!
Amen! Love It…This is truly a lesson that I am “in the process” of learning to do better in for myself. In the past I always gave and did better for others than I would do for myself, as though somehow they were worthy and I was not worthy of the same for myself…For truly we must show perfect love for ourselves before we show perfect love towards others, for “we” MATTER too!!!! Thanks for sharing these powerful encouraging words, and, I love Red Snapper too, LOL!!!!
Amen, Amen! We deserve to be pampered too. Don’t have to wait on someone else to do it for us. Thank you for sharing. God bless you!
Thanks so much for these encouraging words. It is one thing to know these truths but, they are that so much more powerful when it is reduced to writing. Again Thanks.
When we write or read what is written we internalize and are more apt to follow through! Thank you for your comments. God bless you!