Do you know the power that you have within you? Think about it. As women, we possess the power to get where we need to be. No disrespect to other cultures, but African American women have the power to soar above the many challenges they often face. “Recognize Your Power!” When you have Christ at the helm of your life, you can stay on course when storms arise in your relationships, personal life, on the job, etc. Hence, there is no need to doubt yourself, ever! Have you ever thought that enough doubt can lead to you never taking a stand on important matters?
Without a doubt, women are strong creatures. Don’t allow anyone to trample on you physically or emotionally. Know who you are. Feel your self-worth because you deserve love, honor, and respect. If anyone should disrespect you, please don’t take it as a joke. It is far from a joking matter. “Recognize Your Power!” my spiritual sisters. I challenge the mature and seasoned women to take the younger women and train them early. Teach them the value of womanhood and motherhood. Let them know that being single is not a curse if that is their lot. God has a plan for all of our lives. The time is now to be resilient, focusing on personal and spiritual growth.
As I end, I remind you all to use the goodness within to give to others and give yourself the love and respect due to you. If you cannot love yourself, it will be difficult for you to love others. Treat yourself gently and kindly. The same as you take up for others, take up for yourself. “Recognize Your Power!” to change those around you! Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. Proverbs 31:25. I’ll return next week with a new post, “Women’s History Month!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie