“Real Peace!”

Real Peace! Do you have real peace today? I ask that question rhetorically, but I want you to answer for yourself. This year as you know is unlike any other year we can remember in our lifetime. The loss, grief, and non-normal way we live is beyond what we could even imagine a year ago this time. The holidays this year did not yield the joy and peace that the season brings typically. Instead of rejoicing, singing Christmas carols, buying and wrapping gifts for family, friends, and co-workers, and planning large holiday gatherings, there were tears and mourning for some. In a few days, if God graciously spares our lives, we will see a new year.

However, think about yourself and your situation. Do you have real peace today? If you do, please share your thoughts with us. Your words may very well lighten someone else’s load. If you are not at peace, what do you think will give you the real peace you need? The end of the year is usually the time to think about setting goals for the new year, but surviving each day is the goal that is present in everyone’s mind.

Therefore, I encourage you today, as hard as it may be, to look forward and set your view on a sunnier day, a day that will bring new possibilities and a more joyful outlook on life. Let’s look for real peace throughout our day. Replace sorrowful thoughts with joyful ones. Is it hard to let go of the past and its hurts, disappointments, and heartache? Maybe yes. But, if we always look back in the rearview mirror of life, we will never have peace.

Peace comes through our relationship with God, our Father, but no matter how much we love God, we are human, and sometimes our pain gets a front seat ride in our life. Don’t let heartache take center stage in your life. Trust God that things won’t always be the way they are now. Reach out for real peace, grab it, and hold onto it. If you are too weak to stand on your two feet, remember that you have others who love you and will be your “keeper.” Don’t be afraid to say you need help, prayer, counseling, or some form of assistance. 2020 was horrible in many aspects, but I declare and decree in 2021, we will have some real peace. Stand in agreement with me, my sisters and brothers too, if any are reading this post.

In conclusion, remember God has not given up His control and authority. He has dominion over everyone and everything. Trust God for real peace as we move toward a new year. I pray that God will bless and keep each of you as we continue on this journey called life. My hope centers on God’s abundant love for me. I am encouraged, and I pray you are also. Continue to look up toward the hills from whence cometh your help. These things I have spoken unto you, that ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16: 33. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “Moving on to 2021!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Audrey

    Amen…To seek THE Peace that surpasses all understanding from Heaven above….that is my coping mechanism when I am troubled. To rely on the truth that God keeps ALL of His promises, that no matter what is going on or what my burden looks like, I know that I can always trust in Him. Truthfully, at times, it is a challenge, and sometimes it seems so far from me and a struggle to achieve. But when I am burdened, in despair, and at my weakest, my soul remembers, and cries out to Him, and our God has not failed me in uplifting my spirit and restoring my joy and peace, “EVERY” time. And He does not let me anguish for too long. HALLELUJAH!!!!
    Thank you for sharing this powerful message, for we all need to know how to anchor ourselves in the Peace of God during these trying times, even as in yesterday, now in today, and for tomorrow, for all the days of our lives. For we ALL want real PEACE and JOY in our lives.
    Love You MUCH Sis, and may the Peace of God abide with you always!

  2. Sis. Jackie

    Thank you for sharing those encouraging words, my sister! For our God is an anchor of peace for those, who are weary and in despair. God bless you, and may the peace of God dwell in your heart and mind.

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