“Quantity or Quality?”

Often, people look at how much of something they are getting instead of the quality of what they are getting. As for me, I prefer quality over quantity on any day of the week! How much of something I am getting can never compare to the quality of what I am getting. Let’s look at relationships. All of us know of people, whether family, friends or even ourselves, who know someone who dated a person for years before even thinking of marriage. Eventually, the proposal and marriage followed. “Quantity or Quality?”

On the other hand, we may know of couples who only knew each other for a few months, and I mean a few, like three or four, and the relationship turned into a marriage. In both instances, some couples are now years into a marriage. The opposite happened in both scenarios, and the marriage dissolved just as quickly. “Quantity or Quality?” Did either play a role in the marriage? Do you think marriages are more survivable if the couple dates for an extended length of time as opposed to only a few months? Will the relationship quality be better because of the time spent getting to know each other? I want to hear from you, please.

Without a doubt, marriage takes work to be meaningful, loving, and survivable. The question of how long couples should date or get to know each other before deciding on the next step is complex. Will the length of time dating (quantity) affect the marriage in the long run? Or, will the quality of the time spent together before the marriage be a determining factor in the survival of the marriage? “Quantity or Quality?” you decide. I have given you much to think about. But, now I want to hear from you, dear readers. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me. O God! how great is the sum of them! Psalm 139:17. I’ll return next week with a new post, “We Can’t Control Life!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie


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