Simply said, we all need “Love and Affection!” Did you know that people are healthier when they receive love and affection from others and give it? Giving is just as important as being on the receiving end. When we express our love and feelings to others, it encourages them to reciprocate. No one wants always to be the giver and never not so much receive what they render to others. Nevertheless, I am aware that some people have never learned how to give love. It’s hard to show what you don’t know.
Maintaining healthy and robust relationships requires work from all individuals in the relationship. We have repeatedly heard of treating others with the same treatment we desire. That is so important in matters of the heart, family relationships, and close friendships. Everyone has an innate desire to have love shown to them. Without love, it is hard to be joyful. “Love and Affection!” increases self-esteem and self-worth. Have you ever wondered why some people have very low self-esteem? It could be for various reasons, but if you asked the person if they feel love and appreciation from others, they would probably say, “No.”
In conclusion, the world needs more love, but we are only responsible for what we can do. Give love and affection to those significant individuals in your life. Never ever take them for granted. If you pass on the love to them and they send it back to you, how much better would our world be? “Love and Affection!” we all need to make our journey in life a bit easier. God is love, and His affection toward us is unconditional. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Romans 12:10. I”ll be back next week with a new post, “Paying It Forward!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie
God Bless
God bless you Rita! Thank you for reading this post.