How often do we converse with someone and later realize they did not “Listen With Intention!” The person can hear every word you say, but because their listening is not intentional, there is no absorption of what you say. Let me be transparent for a moment. When I say to a person, “I hear you,” it is precisely that. I hear the person, but for whatever reason I may have, I am not truly listening. Ok, I just gave away my secret! However, on a serious note, all parties must be active listeners to gain understanding when talking with someone. Therefore, put distractions aside and focus on the speaker.
Furthermore, truth be told, in most cases, if we are not ready to listen with our heart and ears when someone is speaking with us, we need to put off the conversation until a better time. How many relationships suffer just because one person is not listening to what the other says, resulting in misunderstood intentions? Communication is vital to any relationship, but even more so to relationships we genuinely value. Hence, no one wants to feel that what they say is not essential but rather invaluable. “Listen With Intention!” Remember, actively listening can prevent misunderstandings and foster deeper connections in your relationships.
Dear hearts, one way to strengthen our relationships is to listen with the intent of contributing to the conversation. Therefore, intentional listening is so very much in need. Sometimes, it takes a lot of courage to say what is in our hearts, and it may be difficult to repeat, or we won’t repeat our words. Therefore, we must listen to the speaker to show that we want to hear their thoughts and care about the person. Understand that listening doesn’t mean agreement with what is said, but it does mean respect for the one who is speaking. Your words are valuable, and they deserve attention. “Listen With Intention!”
After all, do only some deserve our attention? Something to think about, correct? Wherefore, my beloved brethern, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. James 1:9. I am attending an International Women’s Conference next week. Something said will resonate in my spirit, and I will post about it. So, let’s see what God will give me for you next week. I am excited.
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie