Have you ever prayed for something repeatedly only to finally recognize “It’s Already Done!” For example, you ask God for something or someone special in your life, and the more you pray, the more you see God working! Well, at some point in time, it is time to stop praying and start praising God for an answered prayer! Is that hard to do? Sometimes we don’t trust God enough to know He did what we asked. Therefore that makes it hard to comprehend.
Without a doubt, I realize that sometimes we desire or want something in particular and have tunnel vision. To that end, my sisters taking a step back and allowing God to do what He does best will enable us to see clearer. It’s not rocket science, mainly faith in God and knowing “It’s Already Done!” Therefore, cast your worries aside, get your heels clicking, and keep moving forward! God’s promises and plans for our life are sure and already in motion before our birth.
Whenever you feel unsure or worried, think about the goodness of Jesus and all He has done. As you see the handiwork of God, come into existence in your life, start giving Him praise. Despite what we may or not see, know that God is working and the manifestation is nearby. God is the true protector of our hearts and gives us our heart’s desires. Have you asked Him for someone or something special? Hence, is He showing you positive signs of fulfilling your request? If so, know that “It’s Already Done!” and release your praise! And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “Don’t Fear!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie