“His Story!”

In school, one of my favorite subjects was history. I enjoyed reading and hearing about past events that connected with people or some particular thing. History accounted for the failures and achievements of others. History tells us a story that gives us insight into many significant people and events. Our life will become history to others in the future. Think about what you would like for your historical account to accomplish or be. Well, today’s post is going to focus on our history through “His Story” of our life. Not sure of what I mean? Allow me to explain more.

God had a plan for our life before the beginning of time. He did not just decide what our life should contain. God is not mapping it out daily and trying to see what will or will not work best for us. He already knows that information. The problem comes in with us. We don’t know all the fantastic and even not so beautiful things that are in store for us. I sometimes say too often (Lord forgive me, please.) that I don’t understand God. What is He doing? Why did I have to experience this or that? Why me? Shame on me! If you are doing that, shame on you too, but I know it’s because we are only human. God’s ways are not our ways, neither His thoughts our thoughts.

But, as God put this thought in my mind as a post, I began to realize that God had created a personal story for my life. My story is unique to me and what He has designed my life to be. As I have stated in past posts, God has allowed the various things I have experienced to encourage someone else. I have no real need to complain because, overall, I have had and yet maintain a beautiful and grateful life. God blessed me with wonderful parents and a great overall family that included siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandparents, in-laws, children, grandchild, etc. He gave me a great career, loving church family over the years, special friends, and I could go on and on, so what am I lamenting about, just because some of my relationships were not what I desired?

I have to know that His story of who I am and who I would become was written and engraved with His love divine. When I look at things in this light, I have a different viewpoint. I feel joy when someone says that my writing these posts and sharing my experiences has helped them and others. Isn’t that the purpose of our creation -to be a blessing to someone else? Let me tell you, I do have enough sense to tell God that I am grateful for the life He has bestowed upon me because it could be so much worse, and I know that is real. Just take a look around you and see how many people are suffering and desire the life that you are living.

I was in a conversation with one of my dear sisters the morning I was writing this post, and she was saying something she heard a former pastor say. Summing the statement up, she said that God sometimes places us behind the enemy lines. Wow! So profound. As I began to internalize what she was saying, I began to see a vivid picture of how sometimes God allows our placement in the fire or enemy territory. Why? So when we come out of the fire, and people see that we did not burn up, was not consumed, nor smell like we have been in a fire, God is getting the glory out of our life! I just took me a 30-second praise break on that note!

As I end this post, let me reassure you that whatever the enemy is throwing your way in terms of your relationships, especially marital ones, know that if you hold on, don’t give up, nor jump overboard, you will survive. If you do jump, catch hold of one of the boards of the broken ship of your life. You will make it to dry land- Alive! Hold onto His hand and remember that He is the author of your life story, and He does all things well. Sometimes God has a plan that He doesn’t make known right away to us. If He did, we might not be able to handle it, but know that He gives us no more than what we can bear. Be ready to give your testimony to help someone else. And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. Acts 27:44. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “A Balancing Act!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Karen

    I feel like I got a double portion of encouragement. Bishop Canty preached on Sunday afternoon reminding us that when things SEEM TO BE falling apart that even then God will allow the broken pieces to be available to get you to a safe place. GOD’S PROMISES ARE REAL and TRUE only if we believe!!! ❤

  2. Sis. Jackie

    That is so real and true! Keep trusting God, my sister. Blessings to you!

  3. Audrey

    Amen! God does send us out as sheep among wolves, but He doesn’t send us out alone, although it may seem like it sometimes, but HE goes with us…I too try to remind myself of this …especially when I ask the questions, how did I get here and why am I here — and even moreso, how do I get out safely…But, for me, total Faith in God is my only anchor, my only peace…for I trust in Him completely???… So Glad that God has a good and “perfect” plan for us all! Be Blessed!!!

  4. Sis. Jackie

    Faith in God will keep us anchored through every storm. Thank God for the plans He has for our life! God bless you my sister!

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