I have a friend whose daughter is experiencing the emotional roller coaster of a breakup after being together with the person for many years. Any change in a relationship, whether it be from a breakup, marital separation, divorce, or even death, can be challenging to maneuver. Losing someone dear to you involves more than the physical separation; it also means the end of future plans. Hence, an entire reframing of our thoughts, desires, and dreams is necessary. Therefore, take time to process the changes, the hurt, and the pain. We all have been there at one time or another. Let’s “Grieve, But Move On!”
Naturally, moving on is a lot harder than just saying it. Whether a relationship is meaningful, exemplary, or not so good, when it ends, different emotions arise. Undoubtedly, there have to be some significant moments. Thus, a time of grieving will surely manifest. One thing I have learned in life is that nothing stays the same. No pain is forever; the same as joy does not remain with us always, unfortunately. “Grieve, But Move On!”
Moreover, grieving should not keep us in a stagnant position in life. So, in time, we must “Grieve, But Move On!” I would love for you, dear readers, to share how you overcame a breakup or separation from someone in your life. What made it hard for you, or was it not so hard for you? Sometimes, breakups/separations are necessary for one’s peace of mind. It just depends. I look forward to sharing your responses with my friend’s daughter. Who knows, they may be what she needs to help her move forward. And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went. Ezekiel 1:12. I’ll return next week with a new post, “Through Thick and Thin!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie