Often, we feel obligated to accommodate others even when we don’t want to. Why? Because we don’t like to hurt someone else’s feelings. I know because I have been there more than I can say. Making other people happy is a part of my nature. It may only take a little time, but on the other hand, I may not do something I want to do. There comes a time in life, and life is short that we “Don’t Accommodate!” the wishes of others. Sounds harsh? Maybe, but maybe not. It is sometimes hard to say no to others if you are like me. Nevertheless, the reality is that we cannot be all things to others at all times. Soon, we will be doing things, but not from our hearts.
On the other hand, accommodations sometimes take the form of enabling. Especially with those we have close relationships with, such as family members, close friends, and even marital relationships. Granted, we want to be there always for those individuals we are close to, but on the other hand, no one wants to feel they are being taken advantage of. And indeed, that can happen even if not meant to be. Therefore, it may be best to “Don’t Accommodate!” So, choose when making your decisions to help others. When someone needs assistance, give it if you are able.
As I conclude, when helping in the same area becomes a pattern with someone, think about it and maybe say to yourself, “Don’t Accommodate!” It may cause the individual to take some ownership of their own life and make adjustments. It is easy to get help, but it becomes harder to help oneself after a while. The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. He coveteth greedily all the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not. Proverbs 21:25-26. I’ll return next week with a new post, “Date Night!”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie