
The second “C” in a relationship is “Compromise!” Does compromise mean always giving in to the wants of another person? No. Going along to get along does that embody compromise? In my opinion, the answer is “No.” Well, then, what is compromise? Summing up, compromise is concessions by all involved in a relationship or some agreement. Today’s society screams me, me, with individuals wanting to have their way or it’s the highway. Unacceptable! “Compromise!”

Granted, we all have strong feelings about specific situations or things, but when in a relationship, one person’s feelings can’t be dominating. Moreover, no one wants to feel undervalued, unimportant, or not an integral part of the relationship. Despite how one may feel about a significant other, it’s not good if their ideas and thoughts never gain any consideration. Who wants to feel that what they say about something has no value? “Compromise!”

Assuredly, some conflict may soon surface in the relationship when individuals in a marriage cannot compromise when they have opposing thoughts or ideas. Hence one person is only sometimes correct. Therefore it’s essential to be open to what the other spouse has to say in situations that affect the home. “Compromise!” Compromising should not be confused with giving in or giving up. At times we have to choose our battles. Hence a husband has to know that their wife can offer good suggestions in areas outside of their comfort zone. Likewise, a husband can contribute to areas typically outside his expertise.

In short, compromises will be needed for all relationships, whether personal (significant other, marital, family) friendships, colleagues, work partners, etc., at some point. Therefore, somewhere in the front of our minds, we have to be open to the suggestions of others. Have you ever been in a relationship where a compromise by the other person is almost null and void? How did it make you feel? Did the relationship survive? I would love for you to share your experiences! Compromising for the greater good of a relationship can be beneficial when both parties do it equally when necessary. Do you agree? Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17. The next post will focus on the third “C” in a relationship, “Commitment!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

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