Do you ever consider why the things you want the most do not materialize? Sometimes, relationships don’t come to fruition or go sideways. No matter how much you pray and petition God, nothing seems to go how you desire. Have these been your thoughts? At times, I have thought about these situations. However, I now realize that when I sought an open doorway to the path of my desire, God did the opposite, “Closing Doors!” Because God knows what is best for each of us, and He alone knows the future, some doors we should not walk through. Some doors close because it’s not the time for them to open.
Without any doubt, I know that God is always in control, even when we want something so bad. It is wonderful to see that He will open doors for us that no man can open. On the other hand, it is glorious when He is “Closing Doors! for our good. This year, we should be more mindful that our thoughts are not comparable to the Lord’s. Hence, disappointment should not fill our hearts when particular doors close. I think of one or two that I should have been content with them not opening. More and more, I am trying to listen to the voice of God, which comes quietly most often. “Closing Doors!”
Let me remind you that every door that closes is not a terrible thing. We often suffer disappointments, pain, or hurt because we try to open doors that should not be open. Every relationship, every job, every individual is not to be a part of our life. Consulting God in all areas will help us to thrive this year. Knowing that hearing a no or a wait from God can be the best thing for us, even if we do not understand the reasoning. When God closes doors in my life, I want to show gratitude and not a negative attitude.
As I conclude, we have to trust and believe that God is storing blessings; He will open the doors for us to receive at the correct time. Also, as God closes one door, a better one may open. Have no dismay if He is “Closing Doors!” in your life. We can trust it is for our good. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; Revelation 3:7. I’ll return next week with a new post, “What If?”
Be encouraged, and God bless!
Sister Jackie