“Another Year!”

The way life is nowadays, it means a lot to make it to “Another Year!” Over the last two weeks, I have had the opportunity to congratulate close friends on 33 years and 49 years of marriage. That is not everyone’s story! I would love to say it’s mine, but I cannot. This month if I were still married to my first husband, it would be 45 years. Was it my desire to remain in a marriage with one man? Yes. But God holds the knowledge of why my passion did not enter fruition.

One thing I do know, without a doubt one of His purposes was for me to create this blog. In doing so, I offer support and encouragement to those with aching, broken hearts and spirits. I appreciate each of you who continue to take this journey with me. Your love, support, and many words help me keep moving forward. Whenever I think about quitting before my expiration time of writing, which only God knows, someone gives me a word that causes me to keep going. Each year I have to say thank you, Lord Jesus, for “Another Year!”

Hence, on April 30, 2023, I will enter my fourth year as a blog writer. Many of my posts encourage my own heart as I sometimes write transparently. Do you have a favorite post that speaks directly to your heart? If so, I would love to hear what it is and its impact on you. Each of us has stories of the ups and downs in our relationships. Nothing remains the same—neither the good nor the bad. So grateful for “Another Year!”

Therefore there is always a story we all have to tell. What’s your story? In each of our accounts of happenings, Jesus should appear on every page. Without Him, there would not be “Another Year!” God bless you, dear readers! Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28. I’ll be back next week with a new post, “I am Good!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

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