“A Time To Be Happy!”

I don’t often use the word happy or seek happiness. Why? I desire joy in my life because it will exist even when circumstances are not what they should be. The joy of the Lord is my inherent strength. Although, some individuals may feel there is nothing to be joyful about. I beg to differ, but let me say this: happiness is more fleeting than joy. Why? Happiness often centers around the external, like other people, situations, etc. Thus, when those areas fail, the happiness is gone. But without a doubt, take whatever happiness you can grasp during this beautiful Christmas season. There is plenty of unhappiness in the world. “A Time To Be Happy!”

Unfortunately, many people are lonely, hopeless, and in despair during what should be the most beautiful time of year. Jesus, the reason for the season, brings joy and hope. Again, I understand some individuals do not have a personal relationship with the Lord. Therefore, it is hard to be joyful when the world appears to be the weight on their shoulders. However, there is so much for us to be grateful for during these uncertain times. Allow your heart to fill with thankfulness, and know it is “A Time To Be Happy!” Focus on those things that are pure and lovely, and remember God loves you. Whether you feel alone and have nothing to rejoice about, you do. Surround yourself with happy and joyful people. Know that someone is worse off than you.

As I conclude, trust God for brighter days. Trouble doesn’t always last; neither do teary eyes if we keep our eyes lifted toward the hills from whence cometh our help. Reach for joy and inner peace; some happiness will come as you move toward them. If you are only happy for a moment, thank God for that moment and continue to strive for more extended periods. It’s “A Time To Be Happy!” and wait for joy. It will come in the morning after a while. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Psalm 37:3. I’ll return next week with a new post, “The Season of Lights!”

Be encouraged, and God bless!

Sister Jackie

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